Listed Building: Ragstone Barn at Pevington Farm, including cart shed to south west and farm buildings to east (1392522)

Grade II
Date assigned 10 April 2008
Date last amended


Building Details: Building Name: RAGSTONE BARN AT PEVINGTON FARM, INCLUDING ATTACHED CART SHED TO SOUTH WEST AND FARM BUILDING TO EAST Parish: PLUCKLEY District: ASHFORD County: KENT Postcode: Details: LBS Number: 504398 Grade: II Date Listed: 10/04/2008 Date Delisted: NGR: TQ9187246475 Listing Text: PLUCKLEY 1155/0/10034 EGERTON ROAD 10-APR-08 RAGSTONE BARN AT PEVINGTON FARM, INCLU DING ATTACHED CART SHED TO SOUTH WEST AND FARM BUILDING TO EAST GV II Originally a cattle shelter, later converted into a barn with attached former cattle shed and another farm building. The lower part of the barn is C18, possibly incorporating earlier fabric, the upper part mid-C19. The cart shed and other farm building are early-C19. MATERIALS: Built of Kentish ragstone rubble with brick quoins. The barn has a slate roof, the other buildings tiled roofs. PLAN: Forms an L-shape, within a formerly enclosed farmyard, with a seven-bay barn to the north-west; attached farm building to north east; and a five-bay former cart shed attached at the south-west corner of the barn. EXTERIOR: The barn is aligned west to east, of seven bays, built of Kentish ragstone with brick dressings and gabled slate roof. There are central full-height cart entrances to the south and north. The south side has coursed ragstone to the lower part with ragstone galleting and two wide openings for cattle with C18 brick quoins, later blocked in random ragstone rubble. Above these openings the walling is uncoursed and without galleting, but there are four red brick ventilation slits. Attached to the eastern side is a triangular buttress. The north side also has galleting to the lower part and some red brick quoins to the cart entrance but the masonry of the upper part is more random, without galleting, and the upper part of the quoins to the cart entrance and the ventilation slits are of yellow brick. The east and west gables have small 1950s openings inserted. The cart store is aligned north to south, also of Kentish ragstone with red brick quoins and hipped tiled roof. It is open fronted to the east, supported on wooden piers but the two southernmost bays have been enclosed with planks, slat windows and door with pintle hinges. The farm building attached to the east of the barn is aligned west to east, single storeyed of Kentish ragstone rubble with tiled roof hipped to the east end. INTERIOR: The barn has had two large C20 brick cold stores inserted so that the interior walls were not visible. The roof structure is a C19 oak roof of scientific kingpost type with side struts connecting to the purlins. There is a ridgepiece and both rafters and purlins are of thin timber scantling. The former cart store has a roof of thin timber scantling with purlins and collar beams. The interior of the attached eastern farm building was not inspected. HISTORY: Pevington Farm was an ancient manor and Pevington was formerly a distinct parish separate from Pluckley. The manor of Pevington was granted to Bishop Odo of Bayeux after the Norman Conquest and appears in the Domesday Book. The church at Pevington, dedicated to St Mary, was an appendage to the manor and in the patronage of the lords of the Manor. In 1583 the ecclesiastical parish was united with Pluckley because the church had fallen into a ruinous condition. Edward Hasted's "The History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent" of 1798 reported that the church had been converted into a stable. In 1612 Pevington Farm became part of the Dering estate and both the farmhouse and some farm buildings have the distinctive round-headed brick casement windows introduced into Dering estate buildings in the C19. These buildings, and most of the other farm buildings at Pevington Farm, are shown on the 1871 Ordnance Survey map. SOURCES: Edward Hasted "The History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent". Vol VII (1798). REASONS FOR DESIGNATION: * As a building, the lower part of which was, built in the C18, possibly reusing masonry from a nearby ruined medieval church, the upper part added in the C19 with an oak roof; * The adaptation from a single-storey cattle shelter into a barn, evident on the exterior, is evidence of changes in farming type; * The attached early-C19 farm buildings are externally little altered; * These farm buildings form part of a good farm group within a formerly enclosed farmyard on a historic site which includes a number of listed buildings, including the farmhouse.

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference Centred TQ 9186 4647 (19m by 11m) (2 map features)
Map sheet TQ94NW
County KENT

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Sep 6 2011 4:37PM