Listed Building: Pigsties, attached wall and gate pier to SW of ragstone barn, Pevington Farm (1392523)

Grade II
Date assigned 10 April 2008
Date last amended


Building Details: Building Name: PIGSTIES, ATTACHED WALL AND GATE PIER TO SW OF RAGSTONE BARN, PEVINGTON FARM Parish: PLUCKLEY District: ASHFORD County: KENT Postcode: Details: LBS Number: 504723 Grade: II Date Listed: 10/04/2008 Date Delisted: NGR: TQ9185646448 Listing Text: PLUCKLEY 1155/1/10035 EGERTON ROAD 10-APR-08 Pigsties, attached wall and gate pier to SW of ragstone barn, Pevington Farm GV II Former pigsties and attached farmyard wall and gatepier. Early-C19. The C20 yard walls to the east are not of special interest. Built of Kentish ragstone rubble and brick with hipped tiled roofs. PLAN: Range of five pigsties aligned north to south with attached farmyard wall and a gatepier to the south-east. EXTERIOR: The pigsties are single-storey in Kentish ragstone rubble with red brick dressings with entrances in the east side. Attached to the south-east side is a section of curved Kentish ragstone rubble wall with red brick quoins and stone coping which originally formed part of the wall of an enclosed farmyard. Attached to the yard walls is an early C19 square brick pier in Flemish bond with projecting brick course near the top and pyramidal stone cap, one of the gate piers providing access to the enclosed farmyard. HISTORY: Pevington Farm was an ancient manor, granted to Bishop Odo of Bayeux after the Norman Conquest and appear in the Domesday Book. Since 1612 it formed part of the Dering estate. These pigsties, together with most farm buildings at Pevington Farm, are shown on the 1871 Ordnance Survey map. SOURCES: Edward Hasted's "The History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent". Vol VII (1798). REASONS FOR DESIGNATION: * As a range of five early-C19 purpose-built Kentish ragstone pigsties which survive largely intact; * Pigsties are a very rare building type in Kent; * As part of a good farm group on a historic site on which a number of buildings, including the farmhouse, are listed and the contemporary attached wall and gatepier forms part of an enclosed farmyard.

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 9185 4644 (point)
Map sheet TQ94NW
County KENT

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Feb 14 2011 11:44AM