Grade II
Date assigned 30 January 2008
Date last amended


Listing Text: 737/1/10037 Lighthouse at end of Folkestone Harbou 30-JAN-08 r Outer Pier II Lighthouse. Built between 1897 and 1904. Erected as part of the Coode, Son and Matthews extensions to the Outer Pier at Folkestone Harbour. MATERIALS: Built of granite with metal and glazed lantern. PLAN: Circular lighthouse set on plinth with adjoining curved flight of stairs with end pier with inscriptions recording its history. EXTERIOR: The lighthouse is constructed of granite blocks and comprises a tapering cylindrical tower of two storeys with deep moulded plinth and cornice rising above, and incorporated into, the raised south wall of the pier. The upper storey has three cambered fixed windows. Below, facing west, is a cambered headed doorcase with a four panelled door. Above the tower is a metal handrail surrounding a central glazed cylindrical lantern with domed metal cap surmounted by a metal weathervane. The lighthouse is set on a granite platform reached by a flight of five steps from the main surface of the pier. To the north is a curved flight of granite steps with solid balustrading and square pier, the centre part of polished red granite with raised panels bearing inscriptions, and moulded base and cornice. The inscription to the west reads "This pier was commenced by the South Eastern Railway Company on 28th January 1897 and completed by the South East and Chatham Railway Company on 12th July 1904. Coode Son and Matthews Engineers. William Rigby Contractors." An adjoining panel facing west records that the stone was laid by Paul Gambon on 12th July 1904. HISTORY: The lighthouse was erected as part of the extension built between 1897 and 1904 to the outer Pier at Folkestone Harbour. Since 1843 Folkestone Harbour had belonged to the South East Railway Company for the steam packet business to France. As business increased a pier was built in a south eastern direction from the horn between 1861-3. This pier was damaged in a storm of January 1877 and was rebuilt and extended between 1881 and 1883 into deeper water so that vessels drawing 15 feet could use the pier at low water. Plans of 1882 published in 'The Engineer' show an elaborate lighthouse at its south eastern end. In January 1897 this enlarged pier was further extended by the engineering firm of Coode, Son and Matthews, incorporating tracks for travelling cranes. This lighthouse replaced the earlier lighthouse which was now no longer at the end of the pier. REASONS FOR DESIGNATION: The lighthouse is designated for the following reasons: * Elegant design featuring a moulded cylindrical tower * Quality of materials and craftsmanship, making prominent use of polished granite * Largely intact exterior and setting, and the beacon of this important harbour * Compares well with other listed examples of late-C19 lighthouses SOURCES: David Evans "Folkestone Harbour Development", Unpublished report of October 2006 reproducing original plans.

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TR 2388 3560 (point)
Map sheet TR23NW
County KENT

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Feb 6 2024 9:12AM