Listed Building: Former Animal Pound (1407761)

Grade II
Authority English Heritage
Date assigned 24 February 2012
Date last amended


Triangular-shaped former animal pound, late C18 or early C19, used as a horse watering station in the later C19. The triangular-shaped former animal pound - a compound where stray stock was kept until its owner paid a release fine to the lord of the manor - is clearly marked 'Pound' on the 1877 First Edition 25 inch Ordnance Survey sheet. Deeds to this land indicate it was used as a horse watering station in the late C19, probably by the military. In the late C19 the land was purchased by the owners of Rockdean (Grade II) situated to the west across St Leonard's Road. By the 1898 and subsequent editions of the Ordnance Survey maps the structure is no longer labelled as a pound. The land was offered to the local council in 1928 for the erection of a public convenience and urinal but the new owner of Rockdean took out a covenant on the land on 4 June 1928 to prevent the erection of the public convenience and purchased the land from his fellow executors for £150. In the 1950s the north end of the north-east side was taken down to improve the turning circle for a coach company called Newmans. In 1966 Rockdean and this parcel of land was purchased by Major Worts and a covenant was placed on the land to prevent it being used as a drying ground and to prevent the erection of drying posts. Subsequently the missing section of wall was replaced in C20 brick and the area is currently planted. MATERIALS: constructed of Kentish ragstone rubble with a coping of one course of stretcher bond brick with curved bricks above. PLAN: the pound consists of a triangular enclosure, the longer sides facing north-west and north-east, the shorter side facing south. DESCRIPTION: The walls are about 1m above ground level. The north-west side is intact except for a short length at the northern end, restored in the later C20 with a flat coping and cement mortar. The south side is intact except for some restoration at the western and eastern corners with cement mortar. The north-east side is intact up to the northern approximately 6m, which have been replaced in brick in English bond in the later C20. The original gates have not survived. The former animal pound is designated at Grade II for the following principal reasons: * Historical interest: pounds are an interesting survival of past methods of animal husbandry. This example was still in use as a pound in 1875 and was used as a horse watering station in the later C19, possibly by the military, which is a relatively unusual use; * Rarity of plan: triangular pounds are very rare; * Rarity of building type: pounds are routinely listed because of their increasing rarity; * Degree of intactness: intact apart from a section of one wall, replaced in late C20 brickwork, and the gate; * Group value: situated opposite a contemporary Grade II listed house.

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Grid reference TR 1590 3444 (point)
Map sheet TR13SE
County KENT

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Feb 6 2024 9:12AM