Listed Building: YE OLDE TIMBERS (1356566)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1786, 1, 34
Date assigned 24 January 1967
Date last amended


TR 05 NW SELLING ST MARY'S CHURCH 1/34 Ye Olde Timbers (formerly listed as 24.1.67 Church Cottages) GV II House, sometime cottages. C16 to early C18. Timber framed and exposed with plaster and painted brick infill, and extended with rendered brickwork Plain tiled roofs. Four framed bay main range with projecting land wing, and early C18 wing, a complete range in itself, attached to right rear. Two storeyed main range, continuously jettied with large panel framing. Jettied projecting wing to left, underbuilt with painted brick, with hipped roof and gablet, main range with gabled roof. Stack to left. Irregular fenestration of 5 wooden casements on first floor, 3 on ground floor. Short communicating range to C18 wing, 2 storeys and attic with discontinuous plinth, platband, and coved cornice to hipped roof with 2 hipped dormers and central stack. Three segmental headed windows and small light to centre on first floor, bow window to left and 2 wooden casements on ground floor and boarded door to right. Catslide at end right. Listing NGR: TR0378856834

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TR 0378 5683 (point)
Map sheet TR05NW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 15 2006 6:00PM