Listed Building: THE MOUNT (1343843)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 659, 11, 168
Date assigned 03 August 1972
Date last amended


LONDON ROAD 1. ----------- 1103 The Mount TR 0060 11/168 II 2. Formerly, the Office of the Ministry of National Insurance and the County Agricultural Emergency Committee. C18. The main front faces south. 2 storeys and attic. 5 windows. 3 dormers. Brick, painted. Brick stringcourse. Wooden modiliion eaves cornice. Tiled roof. The dormer windows are surmounted by pediments, the centre one triangular, the outer ones curved. Glazing bars missing. The whole of the ground floor is hidden by Victorian glass conservatory which extends the whole width of the south front. The east front has 5 Windows and porch originally with 2 pairs of fluted Doric columns, although end pair is now missing; pediment, round-headed doorway with semi-circular fanlight and 2 narrow round-headed lights flanking it between the columns. Listing NGR: TR0056660831

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TR 0056 6083 (point)
Map sheet TR06SW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 15 2006 6:00PM