Listed Building: HEART'S DELIGHT HOUSE (1343886)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 302, 5, 52
Date assigned 27 August 1952
Date last amended


TQ 86 SE BORDEN HEART'S DELIGHT ROAD (north side) 5/52 Heart's Delight House (formerly listed as 27.8.52 Heart's Delight Farm Cottages) with wall adjoining. II House. C16 clad C17 and C19. Timber framed and clad with red brick and tile hung with plain tile roof. Two storeys and hipped roof with stacks projecting at end left, and to rear centre left and rear right. Separately hipped extension to right. Irregular fenestration of 4 wood casements to each floor, and board door to centre left. Right return front with exposed close studded framing. A C16 red brick wall encloses a courtyard before the house - the wall 6 feet high, extends 10 yards from the front of the house and runs a length of 10 yards before returning. In the west wall is a plank and stud door in, brick arch with flat head, discontinuous cornice and coping. Listing NGR: TQ8857362113

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 8857 6211 (point)
Map sheet TQ86SE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 15 2006 6:00PM