Listed Building: ROYAL SAILORS REST (1085378)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1413, 13, 144
Date assigned 04 February 1988
Date last amended


RAMSGATE HARBOUR PARADE TR 3864 NW (north side) 13/144 Royal Sailors Rest GV II Hotel, now commercial premises. 1904. Red brick with faience tiles and slate roof. Four storeys and attic. Rusticated quoins to ground floor with cornice, with 4 three storey panelled pilasters with freely- treated capitals to frieze bearing the words Royal Sailors Rest. Dentil cornice to roof with pinnacles to left and to right, arcaded parapet with leaded semi-dormers to left and to right, and central scrolled and shaped gable with bullseye window over 2 keyed round headed openings with sashes. Corniced stacks to left and to right. Four French windows on 3rd and 2nd floors, square headed to left and to right and round headed to centre, all with moulded faience surrounds and balconies, with 6 round headed French windows in keyed round-headed surrounds on 1st floor with continuous balcony. C20 plate glass shop front on ground floor with panelled door to left, half-glazed door, and double half-glazed doors to right. Erected in 1904 by the Royal British and Foreign Sailors' Society as a Sailors hostel, and subsequently used as a hotel. (See Busson, Ramsgate, 82). Listing NGR: TR3835164800

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TR 3835 6480 (point)
Map sheet TR36SE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 9:41AM