Listed Building: NOS 18 TO 38 WITH RAILED AREAS (1085447)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1413, 13, 10
Date assigned 07 November 1983
Date last amended


RAMSGATE ABBOT'S HILL TR 3864 NW (west side) 13/10 Nos. 18 to 38 (even numbers) 7.11.83 with railed Areas GV II Terrace row. Circa 1830. Stock brick, Nos. 18, 24, 30 and 32 pebble dashed, No. 20 with channelled render, Nos. 26, 38 and 22 with painted bows. Plain tiled roofs. Three storeys and basement with cill band and parapet, ramped up slope (right to left), with 2 houses at each level flanking 3 centre houses. Each house with 2 glazing bar sashes on 2nd and first floors (22 window bays in all). Two storey and basement bows with glazing bar sashes with pilaster frames, and single glazing bar sash to basement to each house, with panelled or glazed doors to left of bows, with semi-circular fanlight and rusticated surrounds. Simple rails to steps (of varying flights), and spear head rails to areas. Listing NGR: TR3836864921

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TR 3836 6492 (point)
Map sheet TR36SE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 9:41AM