Listed Building: THE MANOR HOUSE (1204214)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 661, 1, 4
Date assigned 13 April 1951
Date last amended


HIGH STREET 1. 1614 (East Side) No 6 (The Manor House) TQ 5354/1/4 13.4.51 II GV 2. Late C18. Coursed local stone with flint infilling to mortar joints. Symmetrical 2.1.2 window facade of 2 storeys, Centre part slightly recessed. Corner and end pilasters. Plinth ad band. Projecting moulded flat modillioned cornice and concealed gutter. Hipped slate mansard roof, end stacks, 5 flat-roofed leaded dormers containing sash windows. Centre large dormer. Ground floor sash windows wwith bars removed. First floor sash windows with bars intact and with C19 ornamental sunblind cases. Centre projecting flat-roofed glazed porch with rounded corner pilasters, entablature and flat modillioned cornice. Wide glazed double doors with rectangular fanlight over. Inner glazed double doors with late C18 fanlight over with tracery. 1 storey wing to left of main elevation with hipped slate roof, eaves and gutter and 2 sash windows. Rear elevation similar but with large Edwardian bay additions. Interior hall with elliptical well staircase lighted by domed skylight. Historical Associations. The Manor House was originally built as a Dower House to Knole Park. Nos 6 to 24 (even) form a group. Listing NGR: TQ5317454303

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 5317 5430 (point)
Map sheet TQ55SW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 10:25AM