Listed Building: 1 HIGH STREET (1252472)

Grade II*
Volume/Map/Item 771, 7, 196
Date assigned 10 September 1954
Date last amended


1. 5280 CHIDDINGSTONE CHIDDINGSTONE High Street (South side) No 1 TQ 5045 7/196 lO.9.54 II* GV 2. C16 framed structure. Half timbered with brick infilling on ground floor and plaster infilling above. Stone plinth. To left hand side. Projecting 2-storey gable ended facade with oversailing lst floor supported on rough wooden brackets and exposed timber joists, square bay oriel window on 1st floor with mullions and moulded head piece and frame. Diamond paned glazing. Plastered under reveal and above. To right hand side. Square projecting bay with wooden mullioned windows carried up 2 storeys surmounted by gable end. Diamond paned glazing. Small plain boarded door to right of bay with small hood over. Continuous ridge tile roof with No 2. Side elevation. Exposed framing with brick infilling. (National Trust plaque placed at corner). Nos 1 to 4 (consec), No 6, The Castle Inn and the Gate to Chiddingstone Castle form a group. Listing NGR: TQ5010945158

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 5010 4515 (point)
Map sheet TQ54NW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 10:25AM