Grade II*
Volume/Map/Item 771, 54, 867
Date assigned 16 January 1975
Date last amended


In the entry for; TQ 54 SW PENSHURST SMARTS HILL 54/867 (Westside) GV Range of Farm buildings at West End of South Park Farmyard II The entry shall be amended to read; TQ 54 SW PENSHURST SMARTS HILL 54/867 (Westside) GV Range of Farm buildings at West End of South Park Farmyard II* Range of farm buildings C17, rebuilt and extended 1850-1 by George Devey. Weatherboard over timber frame with tile roofs, partly replaced with slate, and brick stack; smithy of rendered timber frame on tall stone plinth with pyramidal tile roof and lateral offset external stack with diagonally-set flue. U - plan facing east: tall imitation aisled barn to west, built as multi-purpose building for steam -powered fodder processing and housing of stock flanked each side by one-storey livestock ranges which extend eastwards to smithy (north) and cartshed (south). Central barn, which has C17 or earlier rendered building to rear, has 2 gabled dormers with Tudor - arched lights and a tall gabled porch with external staircase rising to first-floor balcony; date 1850 inscribed under lozenge set beneath gable. Smithy has plank door and mullioned windows set under eaves: Cartshed has arch bracing to continuous pentice along front and to wall plate and posts. Interior not inspected but noted as having exposed timber framing with arch bracing. Part of a picturesque group of exceptional importance, one of the earliest works of George Devey whose vernacular revival work marked "a milestone in nineteenth century architecture" (M Girovard, The Victorian Country House); these buildings are also notable for the combination of the picturesque style with a farmstead which is remarkably advanced for its date, particularly in the combination of covered yard for stock and steam-powered fodder processing in the imitation aisled barn. 1. 5280 PENSHURST SMARTS HILL (West Side) Range of Farm buildings at West end of South Park Farmyard TQ 54 SW 54/867 II GV 2. Mid C19, probably by George Devey, in picturesque style with Swiss touches. At western end, closing vista, an imitation aisled barn with large, gabled projecting porch having balcony across. Timber building with high pitched tiled roof, 2 gabled dormers. Weatherboarded with brick foundation. External staircase under hipped porch gives access to balcony and left. At right rear a small tiled and rendered building is probably timber framed, of C17 or earlier. At each side a low, stable building with slated roof forms link with: a. to south a granary of snecked rubble stonework with pyramidal tiled roof and projecting Tudor style chimney; b. to north a timber framed and weatherboarded cart shed with tall half-hipped tiled roof and small 1-storey end extension. South Park Farmhouse and attached barn, Range of buildings at East end of farmyard and shelter sheds on North side of Farmyard form a group. Listing NGR: TQ5229442695

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 5226 4271 (point)
Map sheet TQ54SW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 10:25AM