Listed Building: STONEPITTS MANOR HOUSE (1243513)

Grade II*
Volume/Map/Item 771, 43, 1058
Date assigned 10 September 1954
Date last amended


1. 5280 SEAL STONEPITTS Stonepitts Manor House (Formerly listed as Stonepit) TQ 55 NE 43/1058 10.9.54. II* 2. Large house of Elizabethan appearance on the outside although there is much restoration and large windows of Elizabethan style have been inserted. Inside there appear the remains of a much older house, possibly C14 or early C15. So much has been altered that certainty is difficult. North Elevation. Projecting coupled gables with main entrance and carved stone doorway. Stone plinth. Tudor brickwork. Tile roof. Casement windows with wooden mullions and transoms. Large mullioned window lighting the hall. Typical Elizabethan plan wmth large hall and staircase leading to gallery. The main entrance is placed to one side giving access to corridor under the gallery with the Hall to the right and kitchen and buttery to the?left. Some original brick carved mouldings over windows. Side Elevations - Random stone with brick quoins. South Elevation - Mostly modern restoration. Brick and tile hung. Inside plenty of timber, much of it moved, including a beam with nailhead moulding and a good hall ceiling with heavily moulded beams and joists. Listing NGR: TQ5686457051

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 5686 5705 (point)
Map sheet TQ55NE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 10:25AM