Listed Building: FROGHOLE FARMHOUSE (1243999)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 771, 44, 1499
Date assigned 16 January 1975
Date last amended


1. 5280 WESTERHAM FROGHOLE Froghole Lane (West Side) Froghole Farmhouse TQ 45 SW 44/1499 II 2. C16 or earlier timber framed building. East elevation shows left section of 1 storey and attic under cross gable, and right section, lower because of hill slope, of 2 storeys, under ridge roof. Roofs tiled and high pitched. Coupled stack below ridge in centre. Projecting low gable of coursed rubble at right with tall brick chimney above. 3 windows, mostly C19 1-bar casements. Exposed timber framing with plaster filling. West elevation of 3 storeys and attic at right under hipped gable, tile-hung and with replaced casements. Left part of 1 storey and attic, brick faced on random rubble foundation. 2 gabled dormers and central jettied attic on exposed old beams, possibly once a loading port. Listing NGR: TQ4484451107

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 4484 5110 (point)
Map sheet TQ45SW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 10:25AM