Listed Building: WAYSTRODE MANOR (1336397)

Grade II*
Volume/Map/Item 771, 8, 335
Date assigned 10 September 1954
Date last amended


1. 5280 COWDEN COWDEN Spode Lane Waystrode Manor TQ 4540 8/335 TQ 4640 8/335 10.9.54. II* 2. Restored Cl5 farmhouse With later Cl6 and Cl7 additions. Waned structure With vertical half timbering and plaster infilling. 2 storeys and attic gable end window. Modern leaded paned fenestration. North elevation. 2 end gables connected by ridge tile roof in centre. Brick Tudor stacks with random stone at base. To left. Early C17 addition with oversailing attic gable end with original ornamental bargeboards and pendants and brackets. Carved oak crosspiece. Projecting bay with mullioned and trmnsomed windows on ground and 1st floor and attic casement above. In centre. 2 storeys and ridge tile roof and stack. Modern projecting tile porch. Carved oak studded door with 4-centred arched headpiece. To right. 2 storeys with 1st floor oversailing and supported on exposed joists and gable end above with original Gothic bargeboards. Inside much exposed timber and stone inglenook. Listing NGR: TQ4599240584

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 4599 4058 (point)
Map sheet TQ44SE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 10:25AM