Listed Building: SUNDRIDGE HOSPITAL (1386580)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 771, 45, 10064
Date assigned 15 April 1999
Date last amended


TQ 45 SE SUNDRIDGE CHURCH ROAD 45/10064 Sundridge Hospital II Workhouse, now redundant hospital. c1838, with later Cl9 and minor C20 alterations. Coursed rubblestone with brick dressings, main front rendered. C20 concrete tile roofs. 3 storey. Main front has 19 windows, with projecting 3 window centre topped with a pediment, either side flanking 6 window wings and slightly projecting 2 window pavilions at either end. Rusticated quoins and first and second floor bands. Central section has inserted doorway to left and 2 tall glazing bar sashes, above 3 glazing bar casements and above again 3 smaller casements. Wings each have 2 doorways inserted and 4 casements, above 6 casements and 6 smaller casements above. Pavilions have 2 windows to each floor. Remaining facades have coursed rubble stone with brick surrounds linked vertically and horizontally. Pavilions have 4 windows to side elevations, that to right obscured by C20 lift shaft. Central block has 2 windows and single window chamfered corners, linking 2 storey wings with 7 windows. Central block has 2 storey projecting chapel wing with 6 large round headed windows on upper floor. To left single storey mortuary 3 window by 2 windows with hipped roof and gabled clerestory. Beyond linking boiler house wing. Flanking side stone walls enclose former exercise yards on either side, central wall and C20 glazed corridor link to rear Infirmary range. Infirmary range has 3 wings [inked by brick staircase links. Central 5 window section raised to 3 storey in C20,4 window wing to left and 5 window wing to right. Beyond central square isolation block now linked to central section. This workhouse was built very soon after the 1834 Act, and is one of the earliest examples to survive in its clearly recognisable form. This workhouse is the only example known to retain its original infirmary wing. Listing NGR: TQ4891854080

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 4822 5368 (point)
Map sheet TQ45SE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 10:25AM