Listed Building: BUMBLEBEE FARM (1070564)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1347, 7, 6
Date assigned 14 August 1984
Date last amended


In the entry for; ADDINGTON EAST STREET TQ 65 NE 7/6 (east side) Barn at East Street 14.8.84 Farm II The entry shall be amended to read; TQ 65 NE ADDINGTON EAST STREET 7/6 Bumblebee Farm (formerly listed as Barn at East Street Farm) II Former barn, now house. Probable late C16 date but converted in 1980s. Timber framed barn clad in weatherboarding on C20 ragstone and brick plinth with half-hipped renewed tile roof. Former west midstrey with hipped gable now has 5 light casement inserted at 1st floor level with C20 hipped weatherboarded porch on ragstone footings. 3 hipped dormers with double mullioned windows. Ground floor has 2 and 3 light mullioned casements. Rear elevation has 4 hipped dormers 4 mullioned casements, 1 half-glased door and patio door to left hand side. The former lean to addition to north was removed at the time of conversion. Aisled barn of 5 bays with jowled posts, queen post roof, mid rail and curved tension braces. Although many of the up right posts have new bases there is an inserted flow and a fireplace made up of reused timbers, the main posts are original to their upper parts and the tie beams, queenposts, purlins and wall plates with tension braces are original. The joists are edge halved scarfs with bridled abutments which (according to Cecil Hewitt) died out c.1650. ADDINGTON CP EAST STREET TQ 65 NE (east side) 7/6 Barn at East Street 14.8.84 Farm - II Barn. Cl7. Weatherboarded timber-frame with corrugated iron hipped roof. West mid-stray with hipped gable over. Double entrance doors to east. Lean-to addition to north. Aisled 5-bay interior with queen truss roof. Listing NGR: TQ6601659207

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 6601 5920 (point)
Map sheet TQ65NE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 11:31AM