Listed Building: CHURCH OF ST GILES (1072580)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 190, 3, 21
Date assigned 25 August 1959
Date last amended


TQ 55 SE SHIPBOURNE STUMBLE HILL 3/21 (west side) 25.8.59 Church of St Giles GV II Church. Fragmentary remains of C14 chapel on site after complete rebuilding 1721-22 by James Gibbs, later replaced 1879-81 by Maun and Saunders for Edward Cazalet of Fairlawne. Nave and chancel church with transepts in neo-Decorated style. Central tower. Coursed ragstone rubble with ashlar dressings. Tiled roofs. Tower. Pointed arch openings at belfry stage. Crenellated parapet to pyramidal tiled roof with weather-vane. Four corner animal gargoyles. North-east corner octagonal stair-tower. Chancel. One bay. Three-light east window, gable parapet with kneelers over. Transepts. Three-light and windows in recessed arches. Nave. Four bays. Groups of 3 single light windows. Gabled north-west porch with gable-parapet and kneelers. Columned arched entrance. Small round window in west end gable, pair of 2-light windows below. Interior. Full width arches across bays of nave with inlaid decoration above and at impost level. Similar decoration above and around chancel arch. Wooden barrel vault to nave with arved stone colonnettes supporting the ribs. Ribbed and banded brick and stone vault to crossing. Shallow chancel with more inlaid decoration, covered by boarded wooden vault. Carved reredos of Last Supper with pinnacles over. Carved pulpit with moveable legs and parapet. Carved font with marble legs. Wooden stalls with arched and pinnacled canopy across full width of west end. Monument to Christopher Vane ; 1723 and his wife, Elizabeth, d.1725 in south transept. Giant Aedicule surmounted by triangular pediment. Figures of Elizabeth to left and Christopher to right, flanking urn on pedestal. Daughter, Elizabeth below, kneeling. One arch from the medieval chapel survives, built into the interior of the north transept. A photograph, an elevation and a plan of the Gibbs church are displayed in the church. Listing NGR: TQ5916252153

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 5913 5224 (point)
Map sheet TQ55SE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 11:31AM