Listed Building: GIBBON'S PLACE (1204235)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 190, 1, 11
Date assigned 01 August 1952
Date last amended


TQ 55 NE IGHTHAM TONBRIDGE ROAD 1/11 (east side) 1.8.52 Gibbon's Place (formerly listed as Pump Farm Manor) II House. Circa 1500 hall-house with mid-C16 return wing to right, moved to Ightham from Benenden in 1935-36. South side. Red brick plinth. Timber-framed with close-studding and plaster infilling. Plain tiled roof with brick stacks at left-hand end and stack off-ridge to front at right. Mid-C16 return-gabled projection at right, jettied on exposed joists and moulded brackets under first and attic floors. Moulded C16 barge-boards to gable. Two storeys with attic only in gable; irregular fenestration to left of gable, with 3 casements on first floor and 2 on ground floor. Boarded and ribbed door with Tudor-arched surround in original screens-passage position to right. Two oriels on gable and that under first floor jetty very deep. East side. Timber-framed with close-studding and plaster infilling. Two storeys; 2 window first floor, one window ground floor, casements. North side. Gable to left with boarded dloor in Tudor-arched surround below. Garage wing to right with kitchen-yard behind. Interior. C16 fireplace with moulded bressumer in drawing room. Remains of moulded and crenellated dais beam in C20 stair-well as well as crown-post on moulded arched tie-beam. C16 fireplace with chamfered bressumer in dining room. Listing NGR: TQ5954255429

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 5954 5542 (point)
Map sheet TQ55NE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 11:31AM