Listed Building: THE JOINERS ARMS PUBLIC HOUSE (1209087)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1156, 3, 46
Date assigned 01 August 1952
Date last amended


WEST MALLING TQ6857 HIGH STREET 1156-0/3/46 Nos.64 AND 66 01/08/52 The Joiners Arms Public House GV II Public House. Early C18 with bar fronts of early to mid C19. Built of plum-coloured brick. Plain-tiled roof with external brick chimneystack to left-hand side and stuccoed chimneystack to right. 2 storeys 5 windows. Deep modillion eaves cornice. 5 very narrow 12-pane sashes in moulded architraves, the central and end ones with ogee-moulded brickwork, the 2 to the extreme left set at an angle. The other 3 windows have brick aprons below. Left side early C19 bowed front with pilasters with half-glazed door and decorative fanlight. Right side has shopfront with 2 half-glazed doors, 1 with reeded pilasters and cornice. Left side elevation has projecting brick chimneystack and is tile hung on 1st floor. Double sash to ground floor and is stuccoed behind. Rear elevation has M-shaped roof the double gable tile hung but weatherboarded below. Casements to 2nd floor. Lower floors have 3:1 sashes. Rear room has moulded cornice and C17 plank and mortice panelling. 1st floor original doors and chimneypiece reported. Listing NGR: TQ6801857787

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 6802 5778 (point)
Map sheet TQ65NE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 11:31AM