Listed Building: THE BAKERY RESTAURANT (1218117)

Grade II*
Volume/Map/Item 1156, 3, 13
Date assigned 01 August 1952
Date last amended


WEST MALLING TQ6857 HIGH STREET 1156-0/3/13 (East side) 01/08/52 Nos.53-57 (Odd) J The Bakery Restaurant (Formerly Listed as: HIGH STREET Premises occupied by Brigg's Backery and L Brewer Confectioner) GV II* Restaurant and flat. Probable late C15 open hall house with late C16 inserted chimneystack and ceiling refronted in brick in C18 but framing partially exposed in C20. Timber-framing exposed to 1st floor to left-hand part with 2 massive down braces and remains of jetty. Ground floor underbuilt in painted brick. Projecting C18 bay faced with mathematical tiles with hipped roof and 16-pane sash to sills and some plain tiles to right-hand side. Ground floor underneath has penticed brick and tiled extension with C19 windows. Right side section has brick front. Tiled roof with central brick chimneystack. 2 hipped dormers with casements. 1st floor has one 4-light original mullioned window, one C20 4-light casement and 2 C20 casements on right-hand side. Ground floor has 2 modern doors and windows. Interior has stone cellar with 4-centred arched door with moulding. Embedded at the base of the left side ground floor wall is the top of the stone medieval market cross of the town with carved crucifixion and top of a figure. Ground floor retains entrances to buttery and pantry with roll moulding and former open hall has late C16 or early C17 stone fireplace with wooden lintel, plain spandrels and brick rear wall. ' Upstairs are jowled upright posts, 2 tiers of arched braces and 2 octagonal crownposts with 4 headbraces to collar beam. High quality features suggest this building has some specialized original use. (Cozier P: Survey of buildings in West Malling: ITEM 7). Listing NGR: TQ6806457835

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 6805 5783 (point)
Map sheet TQ65NE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 11:31AM