Listed Building: BROADWATER FARM OASTHOUSES (1210910)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1347, 7, 10003
Date assigned 10 February 1993
Date last amended


The following building shall be added to the list:- EAST MALLING BROADWATER ROAD TQ 65 NE 7/10003 Broadwater Farm oasthouses GV II Oasthouses and attached cart shed. Early to mid C19. stowage is of 2 parallel ranges red brick in Flemish bond with grey brick headers. Front range is hipped with 3 cambered casements to 1st floor and 3 cambered doorcases. Rear range is half hipped to the end facing the road, which has 2 blocked pointed arches in the 1st floor and central loading door with cross-shaped iron ties. To farmyard side are cambered casements and cambered cart entrance converted to sliding door. The southernmost roundel is the earliest and could be early C19. This is in Flemish bond with tiled roof with cowl and fantail. The roundel immediately to the north is stock brick in Sussex bond with tiled roof with cowl and fantail. To the north are the remaining 3 kilns, 2 of which have bases of Kentish ragstone with galleting, and stock brick above, the third entirely of stock brick. All have tiled roofs with cowls and fantails. Attached to the north by an early C20 2- storey wooden platform is a 4-bay mid C19 open fronted cart shed with queen post roof, red brick rear with pilasters and roof tiles missing at time of survey. Interior of oasthouses retain drying racks and hop presses. Listing NGR: TQ6909657443

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 6885 5669 (point)
Map sheet TQ65NE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 11:31AM