Listed Building: THE OLD PALACE (1236308)

Grade II*
Volume/Map/Item 191, 7, 34
Date assigned 01 August 1952
Date last amended


TQ6059-6159 WROTHAM C.P. BULL LANE 7/34 1.8.52 The Old Palace (formerly Listed as Remains of Archbishop's Palace) II* House, possibly the former kitchen wing if the long-demolished Archbishop's Palace. C16, incorporating parts of pre-1340 date. Coursed ragstone on wide ragstone plinth. Some windows with early C16 red brick dressings, some replaced by stone dressings. Plain tiled roof with return gable off-centre to left. End stack at right, off-ridge stack behind gable with coupled octagonal stacks, probably C16, and slope stack at left end. 2 storeys and attics; irregular fenestration. 1 window on each floor under gable, 2 windows on both floors to left, I window on both floors at extreme right-hand end. Square-headed doorway, with doubled glazed doors, on ground-floor to right of gable. At right-hand end is a 2-storey ruin with 1 blocked window on each floor facing south, the whole obviously originally taller. Blocked window of early C13 character behind. The palace was used by the Archbishops of Canterbury as a resting-place on the way to London, but it was demolished and used as a granary in the building of Maidstone palace. Ruins restored as a manor house by the Byng family during the C16. See J Newman, The Buildings of England: West Kent and the Weald, 1969, p.592. Listing NGR: TQ6128259156

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 6128 5915 (point)
Map sheet TQ65NW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 11:31AM