Listed Building: OLD SOAR (1281122)

Grade I
Volume/Map/Item 190, 4, 23
Date assigned 03 May 1984
Date last amended


TQ 65 SW PLAXTOL OLD SOAR ROAD 4/23 (north side) Old Soar GV I Remains of manor-house. Circa 1290 with C14 alterations, restored in the C20. Solar wing, with chapel and chamber with garderobe, of first floor hall-house, the hall replaced in C18 by Old Soar Farmhouse, evidence for which has been found in the area to the south of the solar. Exterior. Coursed rubble stone with rubble stone dressings. Steep-pitched tiled roof joined at right-angles to the roof of Old Soar Farmhouse. Chapel and chamber projections also with steep pitched tiled roofs. Chamber attached at right-angles at the north-west corner. Chapel attached at slight angle at north-east corner. Tall lancet windows in east and west ends of solar on first floor. Wide doorway on east side to undercroft with chamfered segmental-pointed head and jambs. Loophole on first floor of north side near chapel angle at left. Central square chimney-breast and window on first floor to right with shouldered lintel and chamfered jambs. Chapel with arched windows to north and south and east window blocked and extended down to form doorway with steps up. Doorway on ground floor of south side to chapel undercroft with chamfered jambs and straight segmental-pointed arch. On first floor to left blocked doorway. The original entrance to the chapel with straight segmental-pointed arch, and one jamb chamfered, the other in line with the west wall of the solar. Chamber with garderobe has cross-loop with base on each side on first floor and one on east wall at ground floor level. Two-centered arch with rubble voussoirs on north side ground floor for cleaning garderobe pit. Interior. Solar undercroft. Pointed barrel vault. Entrance doorway in east wall, small loop in west wall. Newel staircase at south-west corner giving access to solar above. Solar. Corbel on original hall side (south) to the east of doorway to solar, showing original Hall to have been aisled. Carved foliage in triple capitals, shafts finished with leaf ornament and necking and abacus scroll-moulded. Bethersden marble block above, supporting beam along wall. (These features within Old Soar Farmhouse). Segmental-pointed arch to staircase doorway into solar. West window with hollow-chamfered rear-arch, splayed jambs and seats with chamfered cappings. Segmental-pointed arched doorway to chamber. Fireplace has lost its hood, but retains chamfered jamb on one side. East window similar to that opposite but without seats. Two blocked openings on south side to left. Open crown-post collar-purlin truss roof. Chapel. Corbel on north side of east window with foliated ornament, scroll-moulded abacus and necking. Single-light window on south wall. Early C14 piscinar to left with cinquefoiled head, trefoil and crocket decoration and hexagonal drain. This building is a National Trust property in the Guardianship of the Department of the Environment. It is also scheduled as an Ancient Monument. See Old Soar, Margaret Wood, DOE Guide, London, 1979. Listing NGR: TQ6194154094

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 6194 5410 (point)
Map sheet TQ65SW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 11:31AM