Listed Building: TRENCH FARMHOUSE (1363163)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1694, 5, 113
Date assigned 19 February 1990
Date last amended


HILDENBOROUGH COLDHARBOUR LANE (west side) TQ 54 NE 5/113 Trench Farmhouse GV II Farmhouse. Probably late 1830s/early 1840s; said to be shown on the tithe map (information from the owner), although some of the external detail looks later. Ground floor brick, first floor tile-hung including bands of scalloped tiles and diapering; peg-tile roof with C19 crested ridge tiles; brick stacks. Plan: East-facing, overlooking Coldharbour Lane. Double depth plan under a 2-span roof; entrance to right of centre, facing the stair. Exterior: 2 storeys. Asymmetrical 4-bay east elevation. Gable-ended roof; decorative brick band below tile-hanging. The bay from the left is broken forward and gabled to the front with deep verges and pierced curly bargeboards. Porch alongside to the right with a lean-to roof carried across the C20 front door as a pentice, ground floor bay to the right with a hipped roof. Striking 1-, 2- and 3-light casement windows, 2 panes per light, each pane subdivided into 4 by diagonal glazing bars. The first floor window in the projecting bay is set in a vertical panel with rectangles of roughcast with incised diagonal decoration.. First floor window left is a gabled dormer with matching bargeboards and a matching vertical panel of rendered decoration. Matching bargeboards to the gable ends of the main roof. The left return and rear elevation have round headed brick openings on the ground floor. Interior: Not inspected. A roadside house with some unusual external detail. Listing NGR: TQ5773449590

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 5773 4958 (point)
Map sheet TQ54NE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 11:31AM