Listed Building: WHITAKERS (1391220)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 191, 0, 10005
Date assigned 31 January 2005
Date last amended 21 February 2005


TROTTISCLIFFE 191/0/10005 CHURCH LANE 31-JAN-05 Whitakers GV II Originally pair of cottages, now one property. Dated 1758, refenestrated in C20. Built mainly of ironstone random rubble, galleted, with red brick dressings but there is a strip of Kentish ragstone rubble above the original central doorcases to each property stretching to the full height of the building. Tiled roof with weatherboarded gables and red brick chimneystack placed centrally on ridge of right side cottage. Two storeys: four windows. C20 casements within existing brick surrounds. Cambered head linings to ground floor windows. Right side cottage has four-panelled door. Doorcase to left side cottage replaced by C20 four-light bay window with tiled roof. Deep plinth. Two ironstone plaques attached to first floor of left side cottage. The left one is inscribed "THOS WHITAKER MAY THE 1 1758". The right side one reads "SAR H WHITAKER MAY THE 1 1758". There is a one storey addition to the left with C18 brickwork and pegtiled roof. The rear elevation is a mixture of ironstone and brick and has three sash windows. [Buildings of England . West Kent and the Weald. P575.]

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 6465 6052 (point)
Map sheet TQ66SW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Feb 4 2011 3:32PM