Listed Building: THE OLD VICARAGE (1060670)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1416, 5, 106
Date assigned 23 May 1967
Date last amended


TQ 7444 MARDEN MAIDSTONE ROAD (west side) 5/106 The Old Vicarage 23.5.67 II Vicarage, now house. Early C19, altered in 1960s. Rendered brick, with concrete tile roof (formerly slate). Double depth. 2 storeys and basement. Third storey removed in 1960s'. Rendered plinth, plat band and eaves band. Boxed eaves. Roof formerly hipped, now gabled. Brick ridge stack to left and right of centre. Regular 5-window front of four recessed 12-pane sashes and central 16-pane sash with cambered heads and thin glazing-bars. 12-pane sashes to ground floor. Central window bay breaks forward, with eaves raised to form broken-based pediment over. Central projecting painted brick porch with plain parapet above moulded cornice. Double doors, each of 3 recessed panels, with rectangular fanlight, up 3 steps. Interior: only partly inspected. Geometrical staircase with stick balusters and wreathed handrail. Panelled doors. Anthemion border to ceiling of front right- hand room. Moulded cornice to front left-hand room. C19 fireplaces. Broad moulded segmental-headed architraves to inside of porch and between entrance hall and stair-well Listing NGR: TQ7472844798

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 7472 4479 (point)
Map sheet TQ74SW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 1:22PM