Listed Building: COPPWILLIAM (1060693)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1415, 3, 156
Date assigned 25 March 1987
Date last amended


STAPLEHURST MARDEN ROAD TQ 74 SE (North side) 3/156 Coppwilliam II House, formerly cottages, now house. C15, with late C16 or early C17, C19 and C20 alterations. Timber framed. Front elevation clad with red brick in Flemish bond. Both floors of right gable end tile-hung. Plain tile roof. Open hall of 2 unequal-length timber-framed bays, with storeyed end bay to left. 2 storeys. Former gable end jetty to left. Steeply-pitched hipped roof with gablets. Filleted brick stack in front slope of roof towards centre (towards right end of narrow left hall bay). Slender rear brick stack to left. Irregular fenestration of two 3-light leaded casements. Segmental heads to ground-floor windows. Ribbed door in brick porch to left end. Blocked doorway, also with segmental head, and now containing 2-light casement, to right end. Red brick lean-to to left. Timber-framed rear lean-to. Interior: exposed framing. Low ceilings. Shaped jowls to principal posts. Cambered, doubly-chamfered arch-braced tie-beam to central hall truss. Axial tie-beam to storeyed left end bay. Plain-chamfered axial beam of heavy scantling to inserted hall floor. Left ground-floor fireplace with plain brick jambs and chamfered wooden bressumer. Chamfered brick fireplace with chamfered bressumer to first floor above. Broad floorboards. Marked on tithe map as Burnt House. Listing NGR: TQ7781043829

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 7781 4382 (point)
Map sheet TQ74SE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 1:22PM