Listed Building: HEADCORN MANOR (1060835)

Grade II*
Volume/Map/Item 1776, 10, 45
Date assigned 20 October 1952
Date last amended


HEADCORN CHURCH WALK TQ 8344 (South side) 10/45 Headcorn Manor [Formerly listed as the Old 20.10.52 Vicarage) GV II* Parsonage, now house. Circa 1516, restored in C20. Timber framed with plaster infilling and plain tile roof. Wealden with 2 roughly equal-length hall bays and storeyed bay to each end. 2 storeys and attic. Right and left end bays jettied to front and to gable ends. Right end bay also jettied to rear, left end bay projects: either unjettied or underbuilt. Moulded dragon posts to front, plain to rear to right. Every elevation close-studded. Solid bracket under each end of central tie-beam. Solid- spandrel brackets to front and rear flying wall-plates. Steeply pitched hipped roof. Multiple brick ridge stack to left end of hall. Gabled dormer to left hip. Irregular fenestration of 4 windows; one 4-light wooden mullioned canted oriel window to each end bay with shaped bracket under and cinquefoil-headed lights. 2-storey canted bay with close-studded sides and solid bracket to base, to right end of left hall bay with 4-light wooden mullioned window to each floor, with cinquefoil-headed lights and daggers. 2-light wooden mullioned window to right hall bay, with cinquefoil-headed lights and trefoils. Similar 2-storey canted bay and 2-light window to rear elevation of hall. 2-light ovolo-moulded wooden mullioned window to rear of left hall bay and diamond mullioned window to rear of right end room. Boarded door to right end of hall with moulded 4-centred arched architrave with carved roses to spandrels and moulded brattished bressumer over. Similar but less elaborate door opposite to rear. Interior: Moulded end- of-hall beams, that to left end brattished. Short moulded spears beside front and rear doors, possibly removed from left end of hall. Three 4- centred arched service doors to right end of hall, that to centre with roses to spandrels, leading to stairs. Moulded central truss posts, moulded arch-braced tie-beam of heavy scantling, and moulded crown post. Ashlar pieces. Ogee end-of-hall braces to first floor and to end-of-hall crown posts. Close-studded infilling below inner wall-plate. Cl7 newel staircase in front of stack. Moulded beams to inserted hall floor. Moulded 4-centred arched brick fireplace to first floor left end bay. [J, Newman, West Kent and the Weald, 1980). Listing NGR: TQ8313044229

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 8312 4422 (point)
Map sheet TQ84SW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 1:22PM