Listed Building: RECTORY FARMHOUSE (1060918)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1674, 7, 52
Date assigned 18 December 1985
Date last amended


CHART SUTTON RECTORY LANE TQ 8049-8149 (east side) 7/52 Rectory Farmhouse GV II Rectory, now farmhouse. C15 with late C16/early C17 additions, C19 alterations and mid C20 restoration. Timber framed. Ground floor partly red and grey brick in Flemish bond, partly rendered. First floor with exposed mid C20 close-studding and rendered infilling. Plain tile roof. 2 storeys on stone plinth. Wing to front, slightly to right of centre, probably late C16/early C17 but in same materials. Roof hipped to main range and wing. Slender brick stack to left end, multiple brick ridge stack towards left hip. Projecting brick stack in English bond on stone base, with 2 diagonally set flues, to gable end of wing. Irregular fenestration of 3 windows; two 3-light casements to left half of main range and one 2-light ovolo-moulded mullion window to right half. Ribbed door in C20 close-studded lean-to towards centre of main range, at junction with wing. Lean-to to left. Listing NGR: TQ8034849033

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 8034 4903 (point)
Map sheet TQ84NW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 1:22PM