Listed Building: WALNUT TREE COTTAGE (1060930)

Grade II*
Volume/Map/Item 1674, 5, 87
Date assigned 18 December 1985
Date last amended


EAST SUTTON MORRY LANE TQ 84 NW (east side) 5/87 Walnut Tree Cottage II* House, formerly 2 cottages, now house. Mid C14, with alterations of late C16/early C17 and C19, and C20 addition. Timber framed. Front elevation clad in C19 with chequered red and grey brick, upper part of right gable end tile-hung. Plain tile roof. 2 timber-framed bays of mid C14 open hall, with late C16/early C17 bay added to left end. 1 storey and attics. Projecting stack to left and gable end stack to right. 3 eaves dormers with lobed bargeboards, that to centre C20. 3 casements with segmental heads, that to centre formerly door. C20 door to left gable end. Two-storey rear wing to left of 1970s, tile- hung on first floor. Interior: Exposed framing. Moulded beam to left end of hall. Hall quasi-aisled, with extended arch brace to cambered central tie-beam, and moulded crown- post. Jowled posts and double-chamfered arcade plate. Arcade plate formerly arch-braced. Late C16/early C17 inserted floor. Highly unusual structure. Listing NGR: TQ8375849381

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 8375 4937 (point)
Map sheet TQ84NW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 1:22PM