Listed Building: 18-22 HIGH STREET (1060975)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 293, 10, 178
Date assigned 26 April 1968
Date last amended


LENHAM HIGH STREET TQ 8952 (west side) 10/178 Nos. 18-22 (even) 26.4.68. GV II House row. Probably late C16/early C17. C18 front, at least partly rebuilt in late C20. No. 22 almost completely reassembled in late C20. Timber-framed, with chequered red and grey brick facade and plain tile roof. Right gable and rendered, on stone plinth. 2 storeys, attics and cellar. Facade in 2 sections with straight joint between. Nos. 20 and 22 on short plinth with brick eaves band and moulded wood eaves cornice. No. 18 on shallow plinth with moulded wood eaves cornice. Roof half-hipped to right. Brick ridge stack to left end, and another off-centre to right between Nos. 18 and 20. 3 dormers with trefoiled bargeboards. Irregular fenestration of two 3-light casements, one to left end to no. 22, one towards centre to No. 20, and one recessed glazing- bar sash towards right end of no. 18. Half-glazed doors with flat bracketted hoods to Nos. 20 and 22 up 3 steps, between the 2 first-floor casements. Half-glazed door to No. 18 up 4 steps with reeded surround with paterae to corners and shallow flat hood with paired modillions. Cellar access in brick-work of canted ground-floor bay window of No. 18. Interior: No. 22 possibly retains side-purlin roof. Re-used late C16/early C17 timbers. Interiors Nos. 20 and 18 not inspected. Listing NGR: TQ8978452116

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 8978 5211 (point)
Map sheet TQ85SE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 1:22PM