Listed Building: OLD FARMHOUSE, MOAT FARM (1101736)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1674, 4, 39
Date assigned 26 April 1968
Date last amended


CHART SUTTON GREEN LANE TQ 74 NE [east side] Old Farmhouse, 4/39 Moat Farm 26.4.68 (formerly listed as Moat Farmhause II Farmhouse. C17 or earlier. Timber framed. Ground and first floor of left wing rendered. Range to right painted brick on ground floor, tile-hung above. Plain tile roof. Main range with cross-wing projecting forwards slightly to left end. Further range behind cross-wing and set back from it. 2 storeys. Wing jettied to front and left side. Roof of wing hipped to front, with slightly lower ridge than rest. Projecting brick stack with stone base to left side of wing and brick stack in front slope of roof towards right end of main range. Irregular fenestration of 3 casements; one 4-light to wing, one fixed light and one 3-light to main range. Ribbed door with moulded jambs and vase stops in painted brick lean-to porch with (possibly re-used) wooden jambs with similar moulding, at left end of main range. Half-glazed door in rear left range at junction with wing. Interior not inspected. Listing NGR: TQ7927647977

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 7971 4781 (point)
Map sheet TQ74NE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 1:22PM