Listed Building: EAST SUTTON PARK (1084345)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1674, 5, 56
Date assigned 18 December 1985
Date last amended


EAST SUTTON TQ 828 495 5/56 East Sutton Park GV II Country house, now prison and borstal. Circa 1570, with C18 addition. Mid C19 (probably late 1830s) alterations and extensions by C.J. Richardson (J. Newman, Buildings of England Series, West Kent and the Weald, 1980). Restored 1980s. Red brick in English bond with plain tile roof. H-plan with further long wing projecting forwards to right, touching main range only at corner. 2 storeys, attics and basement on coursed galletted stone plinth. Moulded strong course returning along right wing. Brick-coped gable and parapet to each short projecting bay of south front and to central projecting 2-storey porch, with cut brick finial to each gable. 3 gables with kneelers and intermediate gables to west front, and one gable to south end, of long right wing, also with cut brick finials. All gables and finials rebuilt in 1980s. Various groups of corbelled brick stacks, some with fillets, some octagonal. Regular fenestration of C19 and C20 mullioned and transomed windows; 3-light ovolo-moulded mullioned window to each gable, except 2-light to porch; 6-light mullioned and transomed window to each outer bay; one cross window to porch and one flanking it each side. 6 cross windows to west front of long right wing. Half-glazed door to porch, up 3 steps, with C19 panelled architrave. Early C17 castellated rainwater heads. C18 two-storey canted bay to left in similar style but in chequered red and grey brick. Mid C19 additions to rear and service ranges to east, also in similar style. Interior: Hall screen with giant pilasters and enriched frieze, dated 1570. Four-centred arched C16 moulded stone fireplace to hall with carved spandrels, and wooden overmantel incorporating date 1837. Similar C16 fireplace in room to left (west) of hall. C19 work includes ceiling, screen, doorcase and fireplaces in Music Room, plaster ceiling and stone fireplace to Dining Room, fireplace and overmantel to staircase room, staircase, and armorial glass in stair window. Owned 1629-1653 by Sir Robert Filmer, author of "Patriarcha". (Country Life, May 12th 1906. Collective authorship, A Topography of Maidstone and its Environs, 1839.) Listing NGR: TQ8297348410

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 8279 4947 (point)
Map sheet TQ84NW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 1:22PM