Listed Building: DOUGLAS ALMSHOUSES (NORTH ROW) (1086111)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 293, 10, 151
Date assigned 07 May 1971
Date last amended


LENHAM FAVERSHAM ROAD TQ 8952 (west side) 10/151 Douglas Almshouses 7.5.71 (North Row) GV II Almshouses. Mid C19. Red brick, largely in header bond, with plain tile roof. Small area of banded plain and fishscale tile- hanging on first-floor, off-centre to left. At right-angles to road, forming north side of an unenclosed courtyard and with former mortuary between end of row and road. 2 storeys. Projecting eaves with flat soffits. Brick ridge stack to each end of row and 2 towards centre. Irregular fenestration of 8 windows; seven 2- light hoizontally-sliding sashes and one single-light casement. Ground floor windows with segmental heads. 2 half-glazed doors, one beneath tile-hanging and another immediately to right, with blocked door to left end. Interior not inspected. See also Faversham Road, Douglas Almshouses, south row. Listing NGR: TQ8985452246

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 8984 5224 (point)
Map sheet TQ85SE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 1:22PM