Listed Building: EATONS (1115130)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1417, 4, 77
Date assigned 14 October 1987
Date last amended


YALDING TQ 74 NW Collier Street 4/77 Eatons II Farmhouse, now house. C17, with early C19 additions and facade, extended in circa 1981 and 1986. Timber framed. Ground floor painted brick. First floor tile-hung, except left gable end which is weatherboarded. Plain tile roof. 5 bays; two C17 timber-framed bays with narrower left (north) end bay; single-bay early Cl9 addition to right end, and single- bay addition of c.1981 to right of that. 2 storeys and attic. Stone plinth to left end, brick plinth to rest. Gabled. Projecting gable-end stack to left, with painted brick base in English bond and red and grey brick flue. Red brick stack in front slope of roof, to right end of C19 addition. Dormer with lean-to roof and paned three-light casement towards left end. Irregular fenestration of 4 casements; two three-light to C17 section, one two-light to Cl9 section and one two-light to C20 addition. Five paned ground-floor casements. Rear lean-to to left, with slender red and grey brick left end stack and boarded rear door. Short two-storey C19 addition to rear of C19 bay, in same materials as main range, with gabled plain-tile roof and boarded door in gable end. Two-storey 1986 rear return wing to right, in similar materials to main range, gabled to rear and with one two-light and one three-light paned casement to first floor of long right side. Boarded door towards rear of left side. Interior: C17 section: chamfered cross beam about 5' to right of stack. Chamfered axial beam to principal left bay. Axial beam to right bay morticed for partition. Gunstock jowls to principal posts. Partly ceiled roof with curved windbraces and non-extant collars. Tension-braced partition. Blocked two-light diamond mullion first-floor window to rear of principal left bay. Mortices for similar three-light ground-floor window to former right gable end. Brick fireplace to left, with wooden bressumer and early C19 cupboard with dentilled cornice. Listing NGR: TQ7153546362

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 7153 4636 (point)
Map sheet TQ74NW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 1:22PM