Listed Building: CHURCH OF ST MARY AND ALL SAINTS (1185730)

Grade I
Volume/Map/Item 144, 5, 87
Date assigned 26 April 1968
Date last amended


TQ 75 NE BOXLEY THE STREET (east side) 5/87 Church of St Mary and All Saints 26.4.68 G.V. I Parish church. C13, C14 and C15, restored by Christian 1875-6. Random ragstone and flint. South aisle random ragstone, galletted ragstone to tower. Remains of earlier church forming narthex to west tower. West tower, nave, gabled north and south aisles, south porch to south aisle, chancel, south vestry to chancel. Narthex: has half-hipped roof at west end. Renewed Perpendicular window to left of centre, obscuring an earlier blocked window. Chamfered 2-centred arched door with hood-mould under window, with stoup to right. Blocked window with fragments of tracery in west end of south wall. C19 window in older jamb in east end of south wall. Tower: Perpendicular. 3 stages on plinth with buttresses, crenellated parapet and north-east stair turret. Crenellations and narrow edge of buttresses have flint panels. Perpendicular bell-chamber windows. South aisle: on lower plinth with buttresses to ends of south side. 4 different Decorated windows, one in each gable end and one either side of Porch. Gargoyle over east window. South Porch:on plinth. Door- way with moulded architrave and broach stops. Roof with ashlar pieces, curved collars and moulded cornice. Chancel: on plinth, with buttresses. C19 windows. Vestry: C19. North Aisle: on plinth. Largely C19 Decorated east window with worn gargoyle over. North wall has projecting rood loft stairs Decorated or early Perpendicular window towards east end, and decorated window towards west end. Decorated west window. Central north door, head of which springs from pilasters with moulded capitals and bases. Small Perpendicular window over door. Interior: Narthex has traces of Norman arcading in north wall; part of a scallop capital visible. Later arched opening at east end of wall. Common rafter roof with collars, sous-laces, ashlar pieces and embattled moulded wood cornice. Tower: finely carved early Perpendicular east and west doorways. West doorway has hoodmould with carved heads for label stops, one a bishop, one a king. Door to tower stairs with 2-centred arched head, hollow chamfered, with broach stops. Nave: early C13 3-bay north and south arcades with 2 small chamfers round arches and short thick circular piers. Early Perpendicular moulded chancel arch springing from pillars with moulded capitals and bases. Roof: north and south aisles have steeply pitched C13 scissor-braced roofs with moulded embattled, wood cornices and ashlar pieces. Early C15 moulded crown-posts to nave roof. Chancel probably C19. Fittings: piscina with cusped head and hood mould at east end of south wall of south aisle and another with cusped ogee head at east end of north aisle. Stoup by south door. Font with C19 bowl on early C15 base. Monuments: Brass in east end of chancel to Richard Tomynn, died 1576. Memorial tablet on south wall of south aisle to George Charlton, Gent., died 1707, with an addition to Elizabeth Charlton his second wife, died 1750. Large architect- ural memorial tablet on north wall errected by Edwin Wiat in 1702 to memory of Sr. Henry Wiat of Alington Castle Knight Banneret who was imprisoned and tortured in the tower in reign of King Richard III. Memorial on north wall of north aisle to Hannah, wife of William Champneys of Vinters, died 1748. Memorial by Joseph Kendrick also on north wall of north aisle, to Frances, eldest daughter of William Champneys late of Vinters Esquire, died 1800. Memorial to William Champneys Esq., died 1760. Listing NGR: TQ7733258920

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 7749 5894 (point)
Map sheet TQ75NE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 1:22PM