Listed Building: CLAPPER HOUSE AND PUMP (1249748)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1804, 4, 66
Date assigned 25 July 1952
Date last amended


EAST STREET TQ 74 NW HUNTON (East Side) 4/66 Clapper House and Pump 25.7.52 GV II Farmhouse, now house. Mid C15 with early C17 alterations, early C19 additions and early C20 restoration. Timber-framed, with rendered infilling. Plain tile roof. Wealden of 2 roughly equal-length hall bays and storeyed end bays, that to left end slightly longer. 2 storeys, on stone plinth. Close-studded. Right and left end bays jettied, jetties returning, underbuilt, on plain dragon posts. Solid bracket under central tie-beam and renewed solid-spandrel braces to flying wall-plate. Higher midrail to left hall bay and further rail just below inner wall-plate. Multiple red and grey brick ridge stack to centre of left hall bay, and projecting red and grey brick stack with stone base to right gable end. Irregular fenestration of 4 leaded casements; one 3-light to each end bay and to right hall bay, and one 2-light under stack. 7-light ovolo-moulded mullion first-floor window to rear. Blocked doorway under stack. Low stone lean-to to left, wrapping round rear of left end bay, with timber-framed rear wall. Central single-storey red brick rear wing, with gable end stack, internal brick copper-stand, and boarded door to right side. Pump beside door with plaque RB 1804 Interior: exposed framing. Moulded octagonal crown post, on cambered tie-beam morticed for solid-spandrel braces and fillet. Chamfer-stopped stone fireplace, including one to first floor . Listing NGR: TQ7300148893

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 7300 4889 (point)
Map sheet TQ74NW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 1:22PM