Listed Building: CHURCH OF ST PETER AND ST PAUL (1251097)

Grade II*
Volume/Map/Item 1804, 2, 247
Date assigned 23 May 1967
Date last amended


CHURCH STREET TQ 75 SW TESTON (South Side) 2/247 Church of St. Peter and St. Paul 23.5.67 GV II* Parish church. Rebuilt 1736 for Sir Philip Boteler. Alterations of 1848. Roughly coursed galleted ragstone with ashlar dressings. Plain tile roof. Wood shingles to spire. Cruciform, with west tower. West tower: 2 stages. Red and grey brick parapet with ashlar dressings, above ashlar plat band. Octagonal spire with weathervane. Round-arched louvred belfry windows with keystones. Smaller rounded-arched window with keystone, to base of upper stage. Narrow round-headed window to low sections in angles between tower and nave. Recessed panelled double doors to west in proud eared and shouldered stone architrave surmounted by rectangular fanlight with moulded stone cornice. Architrave hinged on each side for outer doors. Nave: south-west buttress. Stone-coped gable ends with moulded stone kneelers. Two round-headed windows with proud stone architraves, plain imposts, and keystones. South transept: flanking gable buttresses. Stone-coped gable with moulded kneelers. Mid C19 south and west windows. East window similar to nave windows. South doorway similar to west doorway; but with ashlar panel in place of fanlight. Small round-headed panelled door to east with bevelled stone architrave. Small iron oven? door to base of south side. Chancel: flanking gable buttresses. Stone- coped gable with moulded kneelers. Single-light C19 windows to north and south, C19 three-light east window. Memorial tablet with shallow cornice and consoles to east end, to Revd. James Ramsay, d.1789. North transept: gabled as rest. No east window. C19 west light. 3-light C19 north window with moulded stone cill extending across gable end below it. East doorway and north doorway as in south transept. Nave: north elevation: west end buttress. Coped gable. Two windows similar to south windows. Interior: structure: entrance lobby under tower with channelled render to walls, and plastered quadripartite vault springing from bell corbels. Large blocked round-headed window between nave and ringing chamber of tower, with proud stone architrave, imposts and keystone. Internal north and south doorways to transepts to same design as external doorways. Roof: canted and boarded throughout. Fittings: 2-light medieval window with trefoil-headed lights and un-traceried pointed arch re-set as sedile in south wall of chancel. Medieval stone aumbry with chamfered segmental head to west of sedile. Blocked window with triangular head to north wall of chancel. Wooden reredos of circa 1736, extending across east end, with broad central panel flanked by fluted engaged Corinthian columns and surmounted by dentilled and moulded open-topped triangular pediment. Fluted Corinthian pilasters and dentilled and moulded cornice to four side panels. Eared and shouldered central panel with Ten Commandments, outer panels with texts, Creed and Lord's Prayer. Hexagonal C18 pulpit with inlaid fielded panels, moulded base and cornice, and turned balusters to stairs. Octagonal stone font. Iron heating grille with fretwork design running up centre of nave and across transepts. Royal Arms to east wall of north transept, signed and dated John Adams 1811. Six funeral hatchments to nave. (J. Newman, B.O.E. Series, West Kent and the Weald, 1980). Listing NGR: TQ7042453504

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 7055 5350 (point)
Map sheet TQ75SW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 1:22PM