Listed Building: BOXLEY GRANGE FARM HOUSE (1336237)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 144, 1, 52
Date assigned 20 July 1984
Date last amended


TQ 76 SE BOXLEY 1/52 Boxley Grange Farm house II House. Late C18 front to a possibly earlier building. Ground floor random flint and chalk lump, first floor red brick in Flemish bond with plain tile roof. 2 storeys and cellar. Roof hipped at right end. Large central gault brick ridge stack and. projecting gault brick stack at left gable end. Irregular fenestration of four segmental-headed casements; one of 2 lights towards left end, one of 2 lights slightly to left of centre, one single-light casement with cill lower than that of others towards right end, and another of 2 lights to right of it. 3 block- ed windows irregularly interspersed between them. C20 half glazed door in gault brick architrave with segmental head off-centre to left. Slightly recessed red brick lean-to at right end on stone plinth with stack on front elevation against junction with main range and small 2-light casement. Gault brick lean-to at left end. Rear elevation has chequered red and grey brick on first floor. Listing NGR: TQ7856660091

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 7856 6009 (point)
Map sheet TQ76SE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 1:22PM