Grade | II |
Authority | |
Volume/Map/Item | 144, 6, 22 |
Date assigned | 25 July 1952 |
Date last amended |
TQ 85 NW BEARSTED THE GREEN (north side)
6/22 The Old Manor House, 25.7.52 No. 1 Olde Manor 23.5.67 Cottages, No. 2 Olde Manor Cottages. and No. 3 Olde Manor Cottages
House, now cottages. C15, C16 and C17. Close-studded timber framing with plaster infilling, brick ground floor to front elevation and plain tile roof. Hall and cross-wings. Left wing (The Old Manor House): Mid C16. 2-storeys with underbuilt jetty and hipped roof with gablet. 2½ timber framed bays long (truncated). Central section (No. 1 Olde Manor Cottages): C15. 1½ storeys with sweeping steeply-pitched roof. 1½ timber framed bays. Right wing (No. 2 01de Manor Cottages): 5 timber framed bays long; front 2 bays early C17, rear 3 much earlier. 2 storeys and garret, jettied with a moulded bressumer, gabled to street. 5 stacks; towards centre of left wing, at left end of central section in front slope of roof, centrally placed at rear of central section, on ridge of right wing near junction with central section, and on ridge towards rear of right wing. Irregular fenestration of 3-light leaded casements on first floor; one to centre of left wing, one in a close-studded gabled through dormer to centre of central section and one to centre of right wing with small frieze windows either side with ovolo moulded mullions and C17 catches. Ground floor case- ments beneath these to left wing and central section, and bracketted bay window with small ovolo-moulded mullion window to right of it to right wing. 2-light garret casement to right wing. Ribbed doors to Nos. 1 and 2 Olde Manor Cottages adjacent to each other at junction of central section and right wing. Central section retains at left end a cross-passage with 2-centreed-arched door-head giving access to rear yard. Left wing has bracketted jetty to left side elevation and retains dragon post withmoulded capital. This elevation has irregular fenestra- tion of leaded casements. 3 diamond mullion windows survive; on the ground floor at the left end to right of centre, and one above the latter on first-floor. Ribbed door at right end. Interior: Right wing has 4-centred arched doorhead with hollow spandrels leading from centre of cross-passage, ground-floor room with heavily moulded beams and stone and plaster fireplace, and plain crown-post roof. Exposed posts and beams in all 3 sections. No. 3 Olde Manor Cottages: (not visible from the road) is situated in the rear section of the right cross-wing. C15 or C16? west elevation, facing the inner courtyard: timber-framed, ground floor now brick, first floor rendered with plain tile roof. Roof hipped at left end and continuous with roof of No. 2 at right end. Stack in rear slope of roof towards left end. Cottage approxi- mately one timber-framed bay long, with one small 2-light casement towards junction with No. 2 and one C20 3-light ground floor casement. C20 plank door in C2Q single-storey lean-to at left end. Interior not inspected.
Listing NGR: TQ8011055967
External Links (0)
Sources (1)
- SKE16160 Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.
Grid reference | TQ 8009 5595 (point) |
Map sheet | TQ85NW |
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
Record last edited
Nov 16 2006 1:22PM