Listed Building: LIME TREE COTTAGE (1344346)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1415, 1, 42
Date assigned 23 May 1967
Date last amended


BOUGHTON MONCHELSEA THE GREEN TQ 75 SE (East side) 1/42 Lime Tree Cottage (formerly listed 23.5.67 as Nos 2 and 3) GV II House. Early C17, probably with C16 or earlier core and later alterations. Timber framed. Exposed framing to ground floor with rendered painted brick infilling. First floor hung with banded plain and fishscale tiles. Approximately 4 timber-framed bays. 2 storeys. Broadly-spaced close studding to ground floor of left end bay, second bay from left close-studded, possibly separately-framed from left end bay, and with continuous ? former window- cill just above ground. 2 right bays with thin-scantling studding and painted brick infilling with lacing pieces. Continuous jetty on solid-spandrel brackets. Roof hipped to left with gablet, half-hipped to right, with half-hip jettied. Slightly lower ridge to right of stack. Brick gable end stack to left and ridge stack to left end of right-central bay. Irregular fenestration of 6 casements; one 3-light to left end, with one 2-light close beside it to right, one 4-light to left-central bay with a 2-light painted ovolo-moulded mullion window beside it to right, one 2-light casement under stack and one 4-light painted ovolo-moulded mullion window to right end. Boarded door in early C20 timber- framed and rendered porch towards right end. Short rear wing to left, tile- hung on first-floor and with steeply-pitched hipped roof with gablet. Painted brick rear lean-to continuous with gable-end of wing. Interior not inspected. Listing NGR: TQ7683951285

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 7683 5128 (point)
Map sheet TQ75SE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 1:22PM