Listed Building: BRISHING COURT (1344355)

Grade II*
Volume/Map/Item 1415, 1, 6
Date assigned 25 July 1952
Date last amended


BOUGHTON MONCHELSEA BRISHING LANE TQ 75 SE (North-West side) 1/6 Brishing Court 25.7.52 GV II* Farmhouse. C15, (probably early C15), with C16 and C17 alterations. Timber framed with rendered infilling. Plain tile roof. Wealden, with open hall of 2 unequal-length bays and storeyed end bays. Right end bay longer than left, incorporating undershot cross-passage. Left hall bay and left half of right hall bay floored in C16. Smoke-bay, possibly with enclosed hearth, formed in front three-quarters of right half of right hall bay, leaving passage to rear on ground floor and partitioned void on first floor. C17 stack inserted in smoke bay. 2 storeys and attic on stone plinth. End bays jettied on filleted solid-spandrel brackets, jetties returning to rear, that to left on moulded dragon post, that to right on plain. Broadly-spaced studding. Cross- passage delineated by principal posts. Ogee tension brace to left end bay, to right hall bay (on both floors) and to right end bay. Arch brace over cross- passage. Short spur, with solid-spandrel bracket under, protrudes from central truss post just above midrail, carrying a post jowled towards the house to butt under the central tie-beam , and supporting the flying wall-plate on the side away from the house (c.f. also Synyards at Otham). Ogee arch-braces to flying wall-plate to right hall bay, and formerly also to left. Below the flying wall-plate another bracketed spur protrudes forward from the jowled post, supporting an outer wall-plate at the same level as the flying wall-plate. This outer wall-plate runs right round the house supported on short spurs protruding from principal posts, and is an unusual feature (cf. also the Cloth Hall, North Street, Headcorn). Roof hipped, with gablet to left. Multiple brick stack in front slope of roof, to right hall bay. Hipped 2- light dormer. Irregular fenestration of 3 leaded mullioned and transomed windows; one 4-light with pegged cill to left end bay, one 8-light to left hall bay and one 8-light to right end bay. Deep short pegged cill towards centre of left end bay on ground floor. Blocked doorway to cross-passage to left end of right end bay. Later blocked doorway to left end of hall. Lean- to to right gable end with stone ground floor and rendered gable, incorporating door in right gable end. Single-storey rear addition to right, with stack. Interior: exposed framing. Most members chamfered. Moulded and brattished left end-of-hall beam, with ogee braces to partition above. Broad cill of rear window of left hall bay. Plain-chamfered central truss posts, with cambered tie-beam, morticed for braces meeting towards centre. Chamfered crown-post on chamfered base, braced to collar purlin and to long sous-laces. Plain crown-posts to ends of hall, with foot braces, and to truss to right side of cross-passage. Ashlar pieces. Smoke-blackened straw-daub walls of smoke-bay survive in roof. Mortice evidence for smoke-bay below. Stone fireplace with plain-chamfered jambs to left side of stack. (E.R. Swain, Divided and Galleried Hall-Houses, in Medieval Archaeology Vol. XII, 1968). Listing NGR: TQ7778551451

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 7778 5145 (point)
Map sheet TQ75SE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 1:22PM