Listed Building: OAST AND STABLES AT DEANERY FARM (1085441)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 956, 29, 741
Date assigned 25 July 1990
Date last amended


The following building shall be included in the list: CHARTHAM TR 1055 BOLTS HILL 29/741 Oast and Stables at Deanery Farm GV II Oasthouse and Stables C1500 altered in early C19. North west part c.1500. Red brick with blue headers and clay tiled roof. North east front has base of red brick in English bond with caen stone quoins, the top redone in Flemish bond in the early C19. 3 circular window openings, 1 cambered doorcase and double door. 1 original loop light near ground floor. 1 cross-shaped and 3 circular iron ties. North West elevation is similar with gable end and 3 circular iron ties. South west elevation has Cl500 diaper brick work with blue headers in English bond. 1 C19 fixed casement, 1 casement with cambered head stable door and dovecot. The interior of this section has 3 axial beams with run out stops, cobbed floor and early C19 roof structure and hop press. Attached to the south west is a section of C16 walling almost 8 feet high and 24 metres long in English bond containing 1 blocked opening with 4 central arch and caen stone quoins at southern end. Attached to the south east is a C1900 single storey stable block addition not of special interest. This building is part of the Deanery complex and was probably part of the Priors Great stable and various lodgings. [Articles in Arch. Cont. Vol. LXXXIX (1974) PP 169-182 by M J Sparks & E W Parkin & Vol. XCIX (1983) pp 124 - 125 by Tim Tattan Brown. Listing NGR: TR1011755073

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TR 1011 5507 (point)
Map sheet TR15NW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 4:25PM