Listed Building: ALMSHOUSES (1320067)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 741, 3, 23
Date assigned 27 September 1973
Date last amended


1. LOWFIELD STREET 5274 (North-West Side) Nos 41 and 43 (Almshouses) TQ 5473 3/23 27.9.73. II 2. Dated 1889. Built by John Johnson in Queen Anne Dutch style on the site of 4 earlier almshouses built by John Byer in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. 2 storeys. Built of yellow brick with red cut brick dressings specially made to the design by the Elham Valley Brick Company. Tiled roof with curved gable ends. 4 ornamental pediments, 2 of which are triangular and the centre 2 curved and incorporating the date AD 1889. Moulded brick eaves cornice. Moulded brick stringcourse between ground and 1st floors with Anthemion motif. 4 double sashes to each floor set in moulded architraves. Tablet between 2 centre lst floor windows records the earlier almhouses on the site. Panels of swag moulding underneath 1st floor windows. The 2 doorcases have stone open pediments, moulded architraves, rectangular fanlights and 6 fielded panelled doors, the top 2 panels cut out and glazed. Plinth. Listing NGR: TQ5412873878

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 5412 7387 (point)
Map sheet TQ57SW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 15 2006 4:46PM