Monument record TR 04 SE 142 - Roman tile kiln, Bircholt Forstal, Brabourne


A Roman tile kiln was exposed, although perhaps not fully excavated, in 1983. An unpublished report by David Williams survives, which gives the location, as does a small sample of the tiles from the site that has recently been assessed as part of work on the tile from Folkestone Roman villa, which is c. 14 miles south east of the Bircholt kiln. Local research on the excavation and location has provided more information.


Grid reference TR 0771 4160 (point)
Map sheet TR04SE
County KENT


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

<1> English Heritage, 1984, Roman tile from the tile-kiln at Bircholt, Brabourne, Kent and from Ashtead Common Villa, Surrey (Unpublished document). SKE17150.

<2> Ernest W Black, 1983-2017, Materials related to the Bircholt Roman tile-kiln, Bircholt Farmhouse, Brabourne Lees, Kent (Miscellaneous Material). SKE51936.

<3> MOLA, 2018, Roman tile kiln material: Bircholt, Bradbourne, Kent (Unpublished document). SKE52906.

Sources/Archives (3)

  • <1> Unpublished document: English Heritage. 1984. Roman tile from the tile-kiln at Bircholt, Brabourne, Kent and from Ashtead Common Villa, Surrey.
  • <2> Miscellaneous Material: Ernest W Black. 1983-2017. Materials related to the Bircholt Roman tile-kiln, Bircholt Farmhouse, Brabourne Lees, Kent.
  • <3> Unpublished document: MOLA. 2018. Roman tile kiln material: Bircholt, Bradbourne, Kent.

Finds (9)

Protected Status/Designation

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

  • Intrusive Event: Excavation of the Bircholt Roman tile-kiln, Bircholt Farmhouse, Brabourne Lees, Kent (EKE17593)

Record last edited

Jun 19 2024 11:11AM