Monument record MKE104462 - Radnor Park
Grid reference | TR 2177 3652 (point) |
Map sheet | TR23NW |
County | KENT |
Type and Period (0)
Full Description
<NRHE site description>: In February 1918, the late Mr C.H Stevens of 6 Bournemouth Gardens, Radnor Park, Folkestone, digging in his allotment near the angle formed by the junction of Wilton Road and Julian Road, found a Belgic butt-beaker containing human bones and earth, and nearby a pedestal urn containing human bones and two incomplete bronze brooches; with this were found a C1st Belgic imitation of a Roman flagon and a C1st Samian cup, form 27.
In December of the same year, Mr Stevens unearthed a slightly large butt-beaker, some 40 feet from the first, containing a large bronze
brooch, of probably C1st AD date.
The groups are all on exhibition in Folkestone Museum, but whereas the February finds were donated to the Museum in the same year Stevens did not donate his December finds until January 1920. The finding dates given by the OS are apparently a misinterpretation of
this. There is no evidence of finds later than 1918.
<Whimster 1981, 475>: Radnor Park, Folkestone. Three cremation burials found in 1918.
Burial 1 - calcined bones and `Colchester' brooch in a butt-beaker.
Burial 2 - calcined bones in a butt-beaker.
Burial 3 - was a cemation in a small pedestal jar and associated with a single-handled flagon, a samian cup and two bronze brooches.
It is difficult to determine the exact extent of the cemetery. <1>
Grave Goods Project grave types: Pit x 2
Grave Goods Project human remains: Cremation x 2
<1> University of Manchester, 21/06/2018, Grave Goods Project: test data migration, 72830 (Machine readable data file). SKE51586.
Sources/Archives (1)
- <1> SKE51586 Machine readable data file: University of Manchester. 21/06/2018. Grave Goods Project: test data migration. 72830.
Finds (3)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (1)
- Non-Intrusive Event: Grave Goods Project Event with no name (EKE16788)
Record last edited
Nov 25 2020 4:19PM