Monument record TR 34 SW 2791 - Possible site of Townshend Battery, Dover


The former site of a battery is located close to the South Pier at Dovers Western docks, it likley formed a pair with another (Amherst Battery) which was located close to the north pier. It is likley that these two batteries along with Guilford and Norths battery were contemporary and constructed late in the 18th century to protect the harbour. Townshend battery was demolished in 1844 for the construction of Dover Town Station. (location accurate to the nearest 50m based on available information)


Grid reference TR 3186 4032 (point)
Map sheet TR34SW
County KENT
District DOVER, KENT


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

<1> J. Bavington Jones, 1907, Dover; A Perambulation of the Town, Port and Fortress. (Monograph). SKE32120.

<2> William Van Mildert, 1828, A Short Historical sketch of the Town of Dover and its Neighbourhood. (Monograph). SKE32004.

<3> Nick Catford and Lorraine Sencicle, 2017, Disused Stations - Site record - Dover Town (Website). SKE51694.

<4> Unknown, 1806, Kent. Plans of Amherts's Battery, Townshend's Battery and North's Battery at Dover (Map). SKE53484.

<5> Lieutenant Thomas Hyde Page, 1784, Plan showing field works and Defences in Dover (Map). SKE51521.

<6> 1843, A Plan of the Town and Port of Dover with intended additions and improvements now making (Map). SKE53485.

<7> John Rennie, 1805, Plan of the Town and Harbour of Dover (Map). SKE31993.

Sources/Archives (7)

  • <1> Monograph: J. Bavington Jones. 1907. Dover; A Perambulation of the Town, Port and Fortress..
  • <2> Monograph: William Van Mildert. 1828. A Short Historical sketch of the Town of Dover and its Neighbourhood..
  • <3> Website: Nick Catford and Lorraine Sencicle. 2017. Disused Stations - Site record - Dover Town.
  • <4> Map: Unknown. 1806. Kent. Plans of Amherts's Battery, Townshend's Battery and North's Battery at Dover. 1:600.
  • <5>XY Map: Lieutenant Thomas Hyde Page. 1784. Plan showing field works and Defences in Dover. 1:1200. [Mapped feature: #106041 Battery, ]
  • <6> Map: 1843. A Plan of the Town and Port of Dover with intended additions and improvements now making.
  • <7> Map: John Rennie. 1805. Plan of the Town and Harbour of Dover. 1 inch to 4 chains.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

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Related Events/Activities (0)

Record last edited

May 6 2020 6:43PM