Building record TQ 55 SW 419 - Bulimba, 65 Kippington Road, Sevenoaks


House - detached. Main construction : 1840 to 1899. Designated a Locally Listed Building by Sevenoaks District Council


Grid reference TQ 5220 5456 (point)
Map sheet TQ55SW
County KENT


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Detached Victorian property, formerly a stable block and accommodation for coachmen and grooms for the original house `Bulimba'. Wide frontage detached house constructed in ragstone with dressed stone matching sub-cills and lintels with stooling feature, below a plain tiled roof with terracotta ridge tiles, generous eaves,and swept tiled valleys. Lead protective flashing above lintels. Rough dressed stone quoins to corners of building and reveals to structural openings. Stone chimneys. The front elevation is arranged with central raised eaves gable and subsidiary gables at either end of the building. The fenestration consists of 3 light casements to the first floor and two light casements to the ground floor. Windows have leaded lights and are generally replacement units although of good quality and in keeping with the building. The central bay features a leaded light rondel feature window with dressed stone surround and central keystone at first floor level. The main entrance door consists of a solid silvered oak door with glazed side screens in matching oak with curved heads set within a low springing Arts and Crafts style dressed stone arch with central keystone. The front door, glazed screens and rondel window may be original. The gable barge boards are of plain painted timber and may have been replaced. The property is enhanced by its set back location within an attractive setting of mature trees. (1)

<1> Sevenoaks District Council, Sevenoaks District Council Local List of Heritage Assets (Index). SKE53505.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Index: Sevenoaks District Council. Sevenoaks District Council Local List of Heritage Assets.

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Protected Status/Designation

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Record last edited

Sep 12 2020 1:19PM