Monument record TR 26 NE 1301 - Roman Quarries - Thanet Earth
Grid reference | Centred TR 2894 6659 (454m by 1241m) (3 map features) |
Map sheet | TR26NE |
County | KENT |
District | THANET, KENT |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
Three features which were discovered across the thanet earth excavations have been interpreted as Roman quarries. The first was situated to the north of Trackway 27 near the eastern edge of the Plateau 1. It was over 4m across and 2.66m deep. It appears to have been deliberately backfilled, the fills yielded a small assemblage of animal bone and Roman pottery (c. AD 10–300). The second comprised a sub circular pit, over 4m in diameter and 2.19m deep and located at the extreme eastern edge of the Plateau 4, about 530m south-east of Trackway 25. The feature contained several fills yielding Roman pottery (c. 25 BC–AD 200). The final quarry pit lay on Plateau 6 and consisted of a large pit that cut into the southern orbit of Barrow 1. This sub-circular feature was 8.6m wide and 3m deep. Its fill yielded fragmented pottery (c. 25 BC–AD 300), marine shell, snails, animal bone and a few iron nail inclusions. It also contained very rare fragmented human remains. (1)(information summarised from source)
<1> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 2023, Beneath the Seamark: 6000 Years of an Islands History (Monograph). SKE55405.
Sources/Archives (1)
- <1>XY SKE55405 Monograph: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 2023. Beneath the Seamark: 6000 Years of an Islands History. [Mapped feature: #111637 Quarry, ]
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (1)
- Event Boundary: Excavations at Thanet Earth 2007-2008 (EKE14749)
Record last edited
Jun 29 2023 2:10PM